In this most critical moment of our history, what are the possibilities of man?
Its time to fight for the important. To become useful. The real and substantial
existence of a person implies sensitivity, sense of justice, kindness, care. All
above are the characteristics of a Man. Lets stir the world with our vision and our
own ways of being. Let us live with an open heart, treating people with respect
and care. And let us all, one after another, become socially active. Our Company
“Human People” advocates for the first basic right of every human being,
ensuring housing, but then also food, basic Health care, psychosocial support
and employment. We expect you to help in any way you can and want. Whether
offering for a few years empty spaces, or materials for repairs of premises, or
household items, employment or financial assistance.
Join "Friends" of the Company for 20 euros per year. If you can afford any
greater amount it will be your contribution to our purposes. Thank you.
For the Board of Directors
The President
Vera Messini